
Do you find yourself focusing on your double chin in the mirror? Do you avoid taking pictures of yourself because you feel insecure about your double chin? At MedSpa 22, patients concerned about a double chin have an innovative solution in Kybella®. This minimally invasive injectable treatment reduces fat under the chin for a smoother, sleeker profile after just a few quick sessions. If you are looking for a non-surgical treatment to reduce submental fullness and improve the contour of your profile and chin, Kybella® might be the right treatment for you!

Do you want to find out if Kybella® is the right treatment option for you? Contact our office in Fort Myers today to schedule a consultation!

What is Kybella®?

Kybella® is a prescription medicine used to reduce submental fullness and is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment used to reduce the appearance of a double-chin. Kybella® is made of a synthetic deoxycholic acid that permanently destroys the fat cells found under the chin. Kybella® is an effective method of treatment because once the fat cells have been destroyed by the deoxycholic acid they can no longer accumulate or store fat. Kybella® is injected in small quantities in various areas under the chin with a fine needle. Once you have achieved your desired results, you should not need further treatments with Kybella®. Excessive weight gain could potentially reverse the effects of Kybella® treatments.

How long do injection sessions last?

Injection sessions typically last between 15 to 30 minutes. The length of an injection session can vary from patient to patient depending on the number of injections required to treat the submental area. Multiple injection sessions may be required in order to achieve your desired results.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of Kybella® treatments required to achieve results can vary from patient to patient. Most patients need between two and four treatments spaced four weeks apart to achieve optimal results. You may require less or more treatments depending on the severity of your submental fullness and your aesthetic goals. Our staff will create a customized treatment plan to fit your specific needs and help you achieve your desired results.

Are there any side effects?

The most common side effects associated with Kybella® injections include some mild redness, bruising, swelling, numbness, or discomfort at the injection sites. These side effects are temporary and usually resolve on their own. These side effects should subside within a week of an injection session.

Are you interested in learning more about Kybella® treatments? Contact our office in Fort Myers today to schedule a consultation!