Minimize the Appearance of Lines and Wrinkles with BOTOX

Minimize the Appearance of Lines and Wrinkles with BOTOX

Gaining FDA approval more than 20 years ago, BOTOX® is one of the most trusted and popular anti-aging cosmetic procedures around. Patients hoping to diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines have turned to this safe and effective product and achieved amazing results.

A Closer Look at BOTOX®

BOTOX® is a non-surgical injectable treatment that smooths wrinkles, giving the skin in the treated area a younger appearance. You can expect to have little or no downtime following the procedure. Areas commonly addressed include furrows between the eyes, deep horizontal forehead lines, tiny creases around the eyes and lines around the mouth. During the treatment, the BOTOX® solution is skillfully injected into the target area and causes the muscles to relax. This, in turn, releases the wrinkles above them. The procedure can be done in the comfort of our office.

Candidates for Treatment

If you desire a natural, more youthful appearance with fewer wrinkles and are in overall good health, it’s likely you would be a good candidate for this non-surgical procedure. It’s important to be honest about your health and medical history, as this will help us determine if you qualify for BOTOX®. During a consultation at our office, our practitioner will conduct a thorough exam to determine your suitability and that your expectations are realistic regarding the expected results.

What to Expect

It is important to understand that the results won’t be immediately apparent following the treatment. Typically, you will begin to notice a difference in the days following your treatment session. When the solution in BOTOX® does take complete effect, you’ll see that your wrinkles and lines have smoothed. You will definitely notice an overall more youthful look to the treatment area.

Patients frequently report feeling more confident following treatment with BOTOX®. There’s a reason it’s remained a popular choice in anti-aging through the years. It is safe, effective, convenient and non-surgical.

Contact Us Today to Learn More

To learn if you are a good candidate for BOTOX®, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation at MedSpa 22, conveniently located in Fort Myers. Contact our office today to book an appointment with our specialist!