Target Your Double Chin with Kybella

Target Your Double Chin with Kybella

A double chin is submental fat that is not really associated with beauty or youthfulness. There are some exercises that target a double chin but there isn’t any scientific proof that they work. If your double chin is caused by weight gain, losing weight can decrease its size, but getting a firm and tight chin with diet and exercise alone is close to impossible. So, what can you do about it? Consider Kybella®!

Until now, there has only really been liposuction to remove the excess fat under the chin. But Kybella® is the only FDA-approved injectable solution for destroying fat cells in the targeted area under the chin. If you are embarrassed or self-conscious about the fat under your chin and it makes you look heavier or older and you want a non-surgical answer, Kybella® injections may be the breakthrough that you you need.

How Does Kybella® Work?

Kybella® utilizes an active ingredient known as synthetic deoxycholic, which is a naturally-occurring molecule that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. Kybella® is injected in the area under the chin to destroy fat cells gradually. Multiple treatment sessions may be needed to achieve the tailored cosmetic results. The destroyed cells can no longer grow or store fat. The results are expected to be maintained without continued treatment because the cells are unable to return to their former state.

Is Kybella® Right for You?

You may be considered a good candidate for Kybella® if you are in general good health, are close to your ideal weight, are a non-smoker and have realistic expectations. Kybella® is the only FDA-approved injectable for treating a double chin. The injections will mimic your body’s natural ability to absorb fat and will allow you to skip liposuction.

If you have tried dieting and exercise and still struggle to get rid of your unwanted double chin, make an appointment at MedSpa 22 to learn more about Kybella® injections at our office in Fort Myers. Contact us today for a consultation!