How Can Microneedling Help My Skin?

How Can Microneedling Help My Skin?

Microneedling is a skin therapy that can provide ultimate rejuvenation. Multiple skin conditions can be smoothed, reduced, or outright eliminated through microneedling procedures. The procedure should be done by a trained professional, but it doesn’t involve any injections or incisions. These are just some of the incredible ways microneedling can help your skin, no matter your age.

Reducing Fine Lines and Wrinkles
As people age, it’s common for wrinkles and fine lines to appear on the face. The older you get, the less collagen your face retains, which causes the skin to lose its elasticity. With a microneedling procedure, the collagen production will stimulate enough to increase your skin’s elasticity. This will tighten the overall appearance of your skin, making you look younger.

Adressing Premature Skin Aging
There are a number of conditions that might cause your skin to age prematurely. Sun damage and previous acne can cause your skin to look older than it is. Stress can also produce wrinkles. Microneedling provides the same solution to these issues as it does to actual aging. The collagen levels in your skin increase, making your skin much more elastic. The wrinkles and other signs of premature aging easily smooth out.

Minimizing Scars and Stretch Marks
Many people deal with scars and stretch marks. No matter the cause of your scarring, a microneedling treatment can most likely help. It can improve the majority of scars to the point of fading, thanks to the increased elasticity in your skin. Stretch marks tend to be somewhat more stubborn, but microneedling can help to reduce their appearance, especially after a series of treatments.

Moving Forward
No matter what skin condition you’re dealing with, there’s a good chance that microneedling treatments at MedSpa 22 in Fort Myers can help you. To find out what’s possible, contact us today to schedule your consultation!